Friday, February 12, 2010

So the new plan...

First of all, I had no idea that so many people in my family read my blog. Second of all, thanks, it makes me feel loved!

Now on to the reason for the post... While this may not seem major to alot of people it is a big deal for me to decide on something, anything, so here is the decided on plan. (It is subject to change!)

To squelch two rumors that I have heard (Thanks Grandpa!).... I am not getting married nor am I going on a mission at this time. Although both are worthy pursuits that I plan on doing they are not for me right now.

The New Plan: I got a job at Bob Tuckers Pharmacy for which I am really excited. This means I will be in Fallon longer then I had originally planned, which was June. Why, I dont know, but here I am and here I will stay, for a while. Please refer back to my blog title: "I am happy to be HERE!"

I start work on Wednesday!


Beth said...

Thanks for sharing. I was wondering how long it was going to take to find out what you were up to. For our sakes, I'm glad you're sticking around!

Jessica 洁玲 said...

Awwww...Megan, I'm soo happy you are going to be working at the pharmacy. I hope all your future plans work out. I support you!